Abler Group

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Cultivating Excellence in AML – Shahannah Abdoolakhan

Shahannah Abdoolakhan is a Senior Business Leader, Independent Director / NED and AML/CFT Compliance Specialist, expert in guiding the implementation of governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) structures for Financial Services and DNFBP sectors.

As the Founder and CEO of Abler Group, an award-winning one-stop shop for AML-CFT services, she built the Group from the ground up working with Regulators and clients in Financial Services and DNFBPs sectors.

As a NED and Board Advisor, she also provides compliance advisory services and guide the assessment of GRC and regulatory frameworks for FinTech, GovTech and RegTech sectors. Shahannah strives to be at the forefront of innovation in the compliance and digital fields. The Group’s geographical reach includes Mauritius, the Middle East and Africa.

Combining her extensive experience as an Independent Board Advisor and Compliance & FinTech Business Founder, Shahannah can credibly challenge and guide strategic decision making while leveraging international experience in Banking and Financial Services, and directly with regulators, to provide perspective on a range of compliance issues.

Shahannah offers deep knowledge of AML-CFT compliance obligations and has a strong track record in embedding robust corporate governance across organisations. Additionally, she built collaborative relationships at Board level to achieve shareholder, client and business objectives.

Visionary, hardworking and bold, Shahannah has exercised her talents as an accountant, compliance officer, consultant, regulator, and financial services expert and has gained domestic and international exposure over more than eighteen years. Her talents have earned her several awards and accolades, and her track record speaks for itself.

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